Native american writing paper
Good Topics For A Comparison-And-Contrast Essay Should _____.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Managing Technology Essays - Management, Marketing,
Overseeing Technology We characterize data innovation (IT) to incorporate not just PC innovation (equipment and programming) for handling and putting away data, yet in addition interchanges innovation for transmitting data. Advances in PC and interchanges advances have empowered firms to seek after IT ventures. This will assist them with gaining most extreme bit of leeway from their insight resources for influence the information on singular representatives to the advantage of different workers and the association in general. Organizations have strived to accomplish an upper hand in the past by contending in one of two different ways: 1. By Cost-by being an ease maker of a decent and administration 2. By Differentiation of an item or administration by contending on client view of item quality and client assistance administrations. Data innovation is an essential piece of numerous organizations everyday activities. By the 1990's, utilizations of IT were broad and refined enough to empower firms to contend in other creative manners. While in the past firms needed to pick between a minimal effort and a separation methodology, today IT empowers firms in certain enterprises to contend on both ease and item separation at the same time. Further, a few firms are endeavoring to contend not just on both ease and high caliber, yet additionally on the capacity to make exceptionally differed altered items. Alluded to as mass customization, IT is utilized to quickly connect procedures and work bunches so as to deliver tweaked items that are actually what a client needs. Evans Consoles, a Calgary based assembling firm, is a prime case of how, and where data innovation is executed and used as far as vital preferred position and key plans. Established in 1980, Evans is perceived worldwide for its skill in the plan and assembling of specialized furnishings, work areas and PC comforts for specific conditions, for example, information and control focuses, exchanging floors, war rooms, PC floors and other innovation serious work habitats. Throughout the years, Evans has gained notoriety for solid task the board, creative item structure and unrivaled quality through in excess of 2,000 prominent installation's. Such prominent establishments incorporate clients as NASA, FedEx, EDS, AT&T, IBM, Dow Chemical, Shell, United Airlines, FAA, and Deutsche Telekom. (See photograph shows for instances of items and introduces) Evans by and large corporate technique is to give excellent altered items at a serious cost to clients all around the globe. As a piece of this, IT has been actualized so as to encourage the proficiency and adequacy of the association. With Evans corporate divisions and preparing plants being scattered more than 4 areas around Calgary, IT has become a need. Data innovation can be lined up with Evans' corporate vital plans from the first to the last advance/process. In the first place, most of Evans existing or new customers are on a worldwide scale and correspondence is crucial since the items being manufactured are on a custom premise. Evans need to remain in consistent contact so as to fabricate a compatibility and guarantee that what they are building is good for the clients needs. This is the place the utilization of email and video conferencing becomes an integral factor. Evans can discuss internationally with little exertion or cost. This can likewise help increment worldwide deals and assist Evans with turning into the worldwide pioneer. Having the option to decrease travel costs spares Evans and its client a lot of time and cash, and thusly empowers them to deliver the ideal item inside less time. At the point when the ventures are requested, either FAX or email contingent upon the size of the task gets them. This recoveries both the customer and Evans cash and time for transportation of outlines. Furthermore, if there are any errors or misconception, it is a straightforward and easy methodology to amend the circumstance as a result of the quick methods in imparting and sending records electronically. Correspondence is a huge piece of Evans IT key preferred position. Most clients requests are on a period premise and Evans needs to satisfy these desires to their best design. In doing as such, Evans as an organization should have the option to convey at high speeds so no procedure is held up. This would be the motivation behind the Evans office mechanization. There are five stages engaged with computerization; the first is ensuring that everything is facilitated.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Operations Management Report free essay sample
It traces the discoveries of a perception made on Saturday, 30th March, 2013 which set up that long lines are a typical event at Movie World amusement park especially during top occasions. The report will look at the group of information in the current writing with respect to lining at amusement stops and how it influences visitor fulfillment, it will at that point propose potential arrangements, drawing from the writing audit and afterward give an assessment of the elective arrangements just as suggest suitable strategies for the goals of the lining difficulties at Movie World Theme park. The report finishes up by repeating the significance of compelling line the board and its capability to diminish the degree of decision time, a factor which is exceptionally basic to visitor fulfillment. 2. 0Brief depiction of business and setting Movie World Theme Park Movie World amusement park is a popularâ movieâ relatedâ theme parkâ on the Gold Coast in Australia which is claimed and worked by Village Roadshow Limited and is the main film related park in Australia. We will compose a custom exposition test on Tasks Management Report or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Film World works different film themed rides and attractions extending from movement test systems to thrill rides and moderate stream rides. It likewise gloats of  costumed characterâ performers who watch the recreation center, permitting guests the opportunity to take photographs with them. This paper will break down the activities of the amusement park as saw on Saturday, 30th March, 2013 with specific enthusiasm on line the board. Long and scattered lines were seen on the day, this report will examine line the board as an activity the executives issue that Movie World Theme Park needs to address, especially at the ticketing workplaces and as guests were holding on to jump on crazy ride and moderate stream rides. This is on the grounds that as per Norman (2009), long queues at amusement parks are a persistent wellspring of disturbance for guests and may affect on the nature of their experience. 3. 0Identification and investigation of Operations Management challenge-Long and sloppy lines At the ticketing workplaces, the lines are exceptionally long and now and again cluttered; this is exacerbated by the way that not all the stalls are open simultaneously much of the time. Heung, Tsang and Cheng (2009) recommend that most exercises wherein an assistance is given expect clients to hold up in a line during the experience, the issue of lining is very regular in amusement parks where guests who belittle well known new attractions have all the earmarks of being investing increasingly more energy lining, as they are compelled to sit tight for a huge time span basically to play a game or take an undertaking ride at an amusement park. They battle that sits tight for rides at attractions are the top protests among visitors. Research has indicated that one thing that is inalienable in holding up lines is the general abhorrence for the procedure, the emotions and suppositions created in holding up lines impact the clients view of the anticipated understanding (Cope, Cope III, Bass, Syrdal, H. A, 2011, Davis Heineke 1994). Desai and Hunsucker (2008) battle that the objective of numerous guests at a delight/amusement park is to encounter the most number of rides and attractions conceivable inside the specified time; they contend that during top seasons a typical sight at amusement parks is a long line of guests holding back to look for the rush and fervor of diversion rides. They further contend that combined with a restricted ride limit, the recreation center chiefs face serious issues in adapting to this overwhelming interest and high hold up times on rides. This situation of holding up long periods in lines demonstrates substandard assistance levels with respect to stop the board and may add to client disappointment. Davis Heineke (1994) recommends that the main problem in line administration isn't the genuine measure of time that the client holds up in a line, yet in addition the customer’s view of that pause and their related degree of fulfillment, subsequently giving an elevated level of consumer loyalty ought to be the genuine goal of viable line the board. The accentuation is consumer loyalty since it gives the important linkage between the degree of administration gave and the customer’s impression of the administration and the customer’s future conduct towards the firm. 4. 0Possible answers for the test In request to moderate the impacts of long holding up time, Kostami and Ward (2009) present that many specialist organizations offer clients the decision of either holding up in a line or going disconnected and returning at a powerfully decided future time e. g. Disneyland. They contend be that as it may, that to work such a framework, the specialist organization must settle on a forthright choice on the best way to assign administration limit between the lines particularly considering the way that the estimation of disconnected holding up times is confounded by the disappointment by some disconnected clients to return for administration at their designated time. Different arrangements may incorporate settling limit issues by expanding ride limit through including more foundation or expanding the limit of existing hardware, however this may definitely include substantial capital use (Desai and Hunsucker, 2008). Heung, Tsang and Cheng (2009), battle that clients who are vacant will in general see longer holding up times more contrarily than clients who are involved during their pauses, this recommends endeavors planned for possessing holding up clients with understanding materials, fascinating presentations or giving chances to them to do their own errands as they hold up would limit the negative observations that they would have about the holding up time. Further, Heung, Tsang and Cheng (2009) contend that a basic component in all aspects of overseeing client observation regarding lines is the correct preparing of contact work force particularly in high perceivability and low assortment business conditions like amusement parks. Norman (2009) fights that estimates, for example, bookings ahead of time limit the injury of standing by however they should be viewed as reasonable and evenhanded to those without reservations. The executives may consider allotting clients numbers at appearance and afterward calling them in arrangement. Norman (2009) presents that reasonableness of framework and estimation of the ride could limit apparent holding up time. The board ought to accordingly, center around giving individuals a decent encounter while looking out for a line. The board may likewise consider applying Little’s Law in working out normal holding up time and the normal number of visitors sitting tight for an assistance, this will empower them decide normal pace of appearances to the framework, consequently guaging request and thus diminishing the unfavorable impacts of queuing(Little, 2011). 5. 0Conclusion/Recommendations Long holding up time can contrarily influence the visitor experience and even outcome in shying away or reneging with respect to the visitor. It is hence, prescribed that to limit on the negative impacts of holding up time, more ticket offices are opened and more exercises are presented. Settling limit issues will empower the board at Movie World amusement park to limit normal cost when there are costs related with client surrender and lining. Of most extreme significance is the requirement for the board to concentrate on giving visitors a decent encounter by guaranteeing that frameworks set up to determine these lining difficulties and consequently improve the through put, in the arrangement of the administration, are believed to be reasonable by the client. Powerful line the executives may mean the contrast between quality visitor experience, and in this manner, zero decision time, and disappointed clients whose grumblings if not very much oversaw may bring about loss of business for the specialist organization. In a business domain where the client has various choices to look over, it is significant for specialist co-ops to pay attention to quality administration, and on account of Movie World, the board can't bear to overlook the issues brought about by lining, thinking about its impacts on visitor fulfillment. References Cope, R. F. , Cope III, R. F. Bass, A. N. , Syrdal H. A. (2011). Creative information the board at Disney: Human capital and lining answers for administrations. Diary of Service Science, 4(1), 13 Davis, M. M. , Heineke, J. (1994). Understanding the jobs of the client and the activity for better line the executives. Global Journal of Operations Production Management, 14(5), 21-34. doi:10. 1108/01443579410056777 Desai, S. S. , Hunsucker, J. L. (2008). An affectability investigation instrument for improving the limit of entertainment rides. Diary of Simulation, 2(2), 117-126, doi:10. 1057/jos. 2008. 3 Heung, V. C. S. Tsang,N. , Chang, M. (2009). Lining conduct in amusement stops: an examination among Chinese and Western visitors. Diary of China Tourism Research, 5(1), 41-51 http://dx. doi. organization/10. 1080/19388160802711394 Kostami, V. , Ward, A. R. (2009). Overseeing administration frameworks with a disconnected holding up choice and client surrender. Assembling and Service Operations the board, 11(4), 644-656. Little, J. D. C. (2011). Little’s Law as saw on its 50th commemoration. Activities Research, 59(3), 536-549 Norman, D. A. (2009). Structuring holds up that work. MIT Sloan Management Review, 50(4), 23-28
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
All the Books! Podcast, Episode #9 New Releases for July 7, 2015
All the Books! Podcast, Episode #9 New Releases for July 7, 2015 This week, Liberty and Rebecca discuss The Invaders, Lucky Us, Speak, and more new releases. This episode is sponsored by Scribd and Mãn by Kim Thúy. Subscribe to All the Books! using RSS or iTunes and never miss a beat book. Books discussed on the show: The Invaders by Karolina Waclawiak Speak by Louisa Hall Secessia by Kent Wascom As If!: The Oral History of Clueless as told by Amy Heckerling and the Cast and Crew by Jen Chaney Among the Ten Thousand Things by Julia Pierpoint A Map of Betrayal by Ha Jin Bell Weather by Dennis Mahoney Lucky Us by Amy Bloom What were reading: Darconvilles Cat by Alexander Theroux The Mad Feast: An Ecstatic Tour Through Americas Food by Matthew Gavin Frank More books out today: Foulsham: The Iremonger Trilogy, Book Two by Edward Carey Time Salvager by Wesley Chu A Necessary End by Holly Brown The New Neighbor by Leah Stewart The Next Next Level: A Story of Rap, Friendship, and Almost Giving Up by Leon Neyfakh The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly The Billion Dollar Spy: A True Story of Cold War Espionage and Betrayal by David E Hoffman A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety by Jimmy Carter A, B, C: Three Short Novels by Samuel R Delany Lifes Greatest Secret: The Race to Crack the Genetic Code by Matthew Cobb Green Hell by Ken Bruen Chord by Rick Barot Tender Data by Monica McClure The Insect Farm by Stuart Prebble Taking Pity by David Mark Talk by Linda Rosenkrantz Dexter is Dead by Jeff Lindsay Down Among the Dead Men by Peter Lovesey Those Girls by Chevy Stevens The Hand That Feeds You by AJ Rich The Girl with Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee You’re Making Me Hate You by Corey Taylor The Small Backs of Children by Lidia Yuknavitch The Way Things Were by Aatish Taseer Ideal by Ayn Rand The Flying Circus by Susan Crandall The Captive Condition by Kevin P. Keating Trollhunters by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus French Concession by Xiao Bai Signal by Patrick Lee Vienna Melody by Ernst Lothar The Swede by Robert Karjel The Summer of Good Intentions by Wendy Francis You Don’t Have to Live Like This by Benjamin Markovits Forensics: What Bugs, Burns, Prints, DNA and More Tell Us About Crime by Val McDermid The Anger Meridian by Kaylie Jones Little Beasts by Matthew McGevna Vanishing Games by Roger Hobbs Bull Mountain by Brian Panowich Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson The Last Pilot by Benjamin Johncock Pretty Is by Maggie Mitchell The Other Serious: Essays for the New American Generation by Christy Wampole Black Cat Bone: Poems by John Burnside Shapeshifters by Stefan Spjut Turning Into Dwelling: Poems by Christopher Gilbert Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls Name of the Devil by Andrew Mayne Love and Other Wounds: Stories by Jordan Harper Bradstreet Gate by Robin Kirman The Visitors by Sally Beauman A Possibility of Violence by D. A. Mishani Meanwhile There Are Letters: The Correspondence of Eudora Welty and Ross Macdonald edited by Suzanne Marrs and Tom Nolan Strange Animals by Chad Kultgen Newport by Jill Morrow Hardcovers now in paperback: Cutting Teeth by Julia Fierro Friendship by Emily Gould A Brave Man Seven Storeys Tall by Will Chancellor Mambo in Chinatown by Jean Kwok Shirley by Susan Scarf Merrell The Sunrise by Victoria Hislop The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street by Susan Jane Gilman Landline by Rainbow Rowell Perfidia by James Ellroy The Secret History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore California by Edan Lepucki ____________________ Expand your literary horizons with New Books!, a weekly newsletter spotlighting 3-5 exciting new releases, hand-picked by our very own Liberty Hardy. Sign up now!
Friday, May 22, 2020
One Word or Two Understanding Confusing Expressions
A common writing error occurs when students use the wrong version of a compound word or phrase. Its important to know the difference between everyday and every day because these expressions have very different meanings. Improve your writing by learning the differences between expressions that are very similar but that fill very different roles when it comes to sentence structure. A Lot or Alot? â€Å"A lot†is a two-word phrase meaning very much. This is an informal expression, so you shouldn’t use it â€Å"a lot†in your writing. â€Å"Alot†is not a word, so you should never use it! It’s a good idea to avoid this expression altogether in formal writing. All Together or Altogether? Altogether is an adverb meaning completely, entirely, wholly, or considering everything. It often modifies an adjective. All together means as a group. The meal was altogether pleasing, but I would not have served those dishes all together. Everyday or Every Day? The two-word expression â€Å"every day†is used as an adverb (modifies a verb like wear), to express how often something is done: I wear a dress every day. The word â€Å"everyday†is an adjective that means common or ordinary. It modifies a noun. I was horrified when I realized Id worn an everyday dress to the formal dance. They served an everyday mealâ€â€nothing special. Never Mind or Nevermind? The word â€Å"nevermind†is often used in error for the two-word term â€Å"never mind.† The phrase â€Å"never mind†is a two-word imperative meaning â€Å"please disregard†or â€Å"pay no attention to that.†This is the version youll use most often in your life. Never mind that man behind the curtain. All Right or Alright? â€Å"Alright†is a word that appears in dictionaries, but it is a nonstandard version of â€Å"all right†and should not be used in formal writing. To be safe, just use the two-word version. Is everything all right in there? Backup or Back Up? There are many compound words that confuse us because they sound similar to a verb phrase. In general, the verb form usually consists of two words and the similar compound word version is a noun or adjective. Verb: Please back up your work when using a word processor.Adjective: Make a backup copy of your work.Noun: Did you remember to make a backup? Makeup or Make Up? Verb: Make up your bed before you leave the house.Adjective: Study for your makeup exam before you leave the house.Noun: Apply your makeup before you leave the house. Workout or Work Out? Verb: I need to work out more often.Adjective: I need to wear workout clothing when I go to the gym.Noun: That jog gave me a good workout. Pickup or Pick Up? Verb: Please pick up your clothes.Adjective: Don’t use a pickup line on me!Noun: I’m driving my pickup to the mall. Setup or Set Up? Verb: Youll have to set up the chairs for the puppet show.Adjective: Unfortunately, there is no setup manual for a puppet show.Noun: The setup will take you all day. Wake-Up or Wake Up? Verb: I could not wake up this morning.Adjective: I should have asked for a wake-up call.Noun: The accident was a good wake-up.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Top Definition Essay Topics Examples Reviews!
Top Definition Essay Topics Examples Reviews! The best method to start is to look up several distinctive definitions of the period, and see the way that it's usually utilized. There are many ways to define a term. You should understand the term before it is possible to define it for others. Furthermore, it's important to restrict your term before you commence defining it. Getting the Best Definition Essay Topics Examples Each portion of your mind that's concerned with these kinds of things will make its wants known, and endeavor to distract you. Incapability of doing things by yourself, teaches a man to be patient. Well, while it can appear hard at first, things get pretty easy if you're able to find some excellent funny definition essay topics and select one that you think you can crack in a common rib cracking fashion. Unless you're a a lot more forgiving person than most of us, you will likely be thinking one of the very first things. Still, if you're considering writing a persuasive essay, you're still likely to want to convey your opinions about a particular topic in a manner that. You may acquire an idea for a starting point in your essay. If finding a suitable topic for your exemplification essay is simply the start of your problems, there's a way to make them go away. If you need assistance with a definition essay, or just do not have a sufficient amount of time to write it by yourself, no worries! The Definition Essay Topics Examples Cover Up Essay writing is a typical school assignment, a component of standardized tests, and. If it comes to written assignments, they decide to use custom research papers writing service since they aren't certain if they can deal with the complicated research undertaking. While writing your introduction, you are going to want to concentrate on some vital places. The same as the well-being of your spine is thought to have a big effect on your well-being in general, the well-being of your writing largely depends upon how healthy your definition essay outline format is. So when you're writing an essay, you're harnessing the complete might of culture to your life. Your life will be harder, at the base of the dominance hierarchies that you'll inevitably inhabit, and you will receive old fast. Unique events are going on in the world these days. If you like overcoming new challenges and learning new things, you may also move to some other career path or begin your own firm. Therefore, if you learn how to think, through writing, then you'll develop a well-organized, efficient mind and one which is well-founded and certain. Even in the event that you take a notion from this kind of essay, make certain you produce that idea in your words and cite some appropriate source. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sociology and Economic Prosperity Free Essays
MULTI TOPIC ESSAY 1. Social problems in our society and crimes in our society. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology and Economic Prosperity or any similar topic only for you Order Now Corruption. 3. Social evils. 4. Nepotism. 5. Smuggling. 6. Over population. 7. Population and poverty. 8. Inflation. 9. Dearness. 10. Drug. 11. Sectarianism. 12. Social and economic problems of Pakistan. 13. Economic crises. 14. Mass illiteracy. 15. Beggary. 16. Drug addiction. 17. Bribery. 18. Dowry. 19. Violence. 20. Despair. 21. Depression. 22. Black marketing. 23. Social and economic crises. 24. Indiscipline. 25. Hoarding. 26. Hypocrisy. 27. Injustice. 28. Road side robbery. 29. Provincialism. 30. Religious violence. 1. Ethic violence. 32. Lack of tolerance. 33. Dis unity. 34. Black biting. 35. Un employment. 36. Terrorism. 37. Lawlessness. 38. Violation of fundamental rights. 39. Feudalism or Feudal Repute. 40. Capitalism. 41. Flattery. 42. Health problems. 43. Freedom of press. 44. Tax exclusion. 45. In sufficient Medical facilities. 46. Crushing border of foreign debt. 47. The devastation of currency. 48. Electricity crises. 49. Inflation. 50. Mass illiteracy. OUTLINE. 1. Int roduction. 2. The evil impacts and implication of __________. 3. It breeds a lot of social, economic, political and moral problems. . Causes of the _____________. 5. Remedies. 6. Conclusion. __________ has become one of the most embarrassing (tension) and explosive problem all over the world especially in the third world countries like Pakistan. It is full of dangers of devastating dimensions, evil impact, implication of grave and impressive magnitude. ___________ creates instability and demoralization in our nation and in a back flesh it breeds depression and frustration in our society and state. It creates and spreads the feelings of uncertainly and insecurity among the masses. If ________creeps in a society. Read also Sociology and Social Integration. It eats into its vitals and soon corrodes its inner strength, outer splendour, economic prosperity, social peace and national unity. Consequently, a nation good image is spoiled all over the world. Lawlessness becomes order of the day indiscipline due to poverty, corruption, violence, indiscipline and mass illiteracy. It creates conflict and confrontation. It is not efficiently and properly and checked the entire indicial Marla and economic fabric of nation is close and collapsed. __________ is highly detriment and devastating for a country like Pakistan that has fragile economic and political instability. If the evil of _________ is not nipped in the bud it may spread rapidly like a bush fire, and may engulf the whole nation or region like an epidemic. __________ has badly shattered the structure of the country. It causes a severe blow to the law of country and supremacy of the constitution is shattered by it. It deprives mass of mental, physical, spiritual, moral and economic prosperity and causes grave concerns for national unity and territorial integrity ________ also paves way for bloody regulations and military take over. So every peace loving person who fervently longs and cherished dreams for peace, prosperity and protection must ponder upon causes of social concern of _________. The main causes of _______ are mass illiteracy, poverty, wrong economic policies of the government, people’s insatiable desire to accumulate countless riches and blind multiplication of worldly whishes. _________ creates irresistible, economic pressure on social and economic justice and gulfs have been increased between the lower and upper class. In a nutshell, mass illiteracy, temptation for ostentation of wealth, lust for power, luxury and comfort are the main causes of ________. Social, religious, linguistic differences also breed conflict and confrontation bias and hatred among the people who in back flesh grow and spread ________. Secondly feudalism, capitalism and unequal distribution of opportunities, un-availability of fundamental rights and liberties spread __________. Thirdly the non-availability of basic necessities and facilities also paves the way to spread _______ in a society or state. External factors like agents or agencies of hostile neighboring state like India and Russia also play a extol role in spreading ________ in the land of our country in order to destabilize the state and depress the people. It should be the basic and paramount concern of the men at the helm of our affairs as well as the scholars, educationists, Political parties, NGO’s and national mass media to take necessary steps at their levels for the eradication of growing penance of _________ in the best national and human inters. How to cite Sociology and Economic Prosperity, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Julius Caesar Brutus An Honor Man Essays - Junii, Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar: Brutus An Honor Man In Shakespeare's play of "Caesar" Brutus is a conspirator who portrays a person who favors a republic for Rome. Brutus is an honorable man. Many characters in the play show there reverence for Brutus. Brutus exemplifies his honor in many ways. Brutus is obsequious when he is needed to abet his fellow romans. Brutus is an honorable man. "Am I entreated to Speak and Strike? O Rome I make thee promise, If the redress will follow, then receivest thy full petition at the hand of Brutus" (Shakespeare 397). Brutus will obey to whatever the romans convey to him. Consequently, Brutus joins the conspiracy inorder to help the romans rid rome of Caesar. Brutus also understands that he is putting it all on the line for his romans, therefore Brutus is an honorable man. Brutus is a scrupulous man, whose virtues endure. "No not an oath, If not by the face of men, the sufferance of our souls, the time's abuse-If these motives be weak, break off betimes, and every men hence to his idle bed; So let high sighted tyranny rage on, till each man drop by lottery" (Shakespeare 399). Brutus said that if the conspirators do not join for a common cause, then there is no need for an oath because the conspirators are self-righteous, and they are serving the romans. If the conspirators don't bind together, then each man will go his own way, become a weakling, and die when it suits the tyrants caprice. Brutus is advocates peace, freedom and liberty, for all romans, which shows that Brutus is an altruistic as well as an honorable man. Brutus also had a compassion for Caesar when he had killed Caesar. "If then that a friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more" (Shakespeare 421). Brutus had honored Caesar but Brutus felt that Caesar was to ambitious. Brutus also felt that Caesar made the romans as slaves. Therefore, Brutus is an honorable man. Brutus is a noble man who was revered by many. Brutus had joined the conspiracy because he had the desire to help the commoners. He was a follower of idealism, where the romans would possess peace, liberty and freedom. Brutus wanted the kill Caesar, because he believed that all of the people of Rome would eventually be slaves, thus Brutus resorted to the assassination of Caesar. Brutus is a honorable man.
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